Tuesday, December 14, 2010


 Holiday season is almost here. Do you have any idea of what dishes to cook for Christmas eve? This dish is one of our favorite. Why don't you give it a try?

                                CHICKEN WITH CORN AND CREAM SAUCE 

 1 kilo Chicken (marinate with patis for 5-10 minutes) 
 1 big can evaporated milk 1 cup grated cheese 
 1 can whole kernel corn (syrup removed)
 1 tbsp. minced garlic 
 1 medium size onion sliced
 salt and pepper to taste
 1/2 cup oil 


 1. Fry the chicken until brown.
 2. Saute the garlic and onion, add the fried chicken.
 3. Pour the milk then mix with the chicken. Let it simmer with low heat with occassional stirring for 10 minutes. 
 4. Put the grated cheese and mix. Simmer with occasional stirring 
 5. Put the pepper and salt to taste.
 6. Serve with rice.   
              This dish tastes very creamy and delicious, kids will also enjoy.    


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