Saturday, December 11, 2010


 My family and I love to cook, especially when we get together. Like saturdays, sundays and holidays. It's like a bonding moment for us when we eat together.  We love to eat so much that we become similar with our tastebuds and agree on foods to cook for breakfast, lunch, merienda and dinner. I hope that you will try these dishes that my family and I have enjoyed.

                                                            MONAY PIZZA 

 6 pcs. Monay (cut into half) 
 3 cups catsup  (I recommend UFC Banana catsup) 
 2 tbsps. Garlic (diced)
 1 medium sized onion (sliced) 
 1/4 cup grated cheese
 6 pcs. Hotdog (sliced into thin pieces) 
 salt, sugar and pepper to taste 


 1. Saute the garlic and onion. Add the sliced hotdogs .
 2. Put the grated cheese and stir. 
 3. Pour the catsup and let it simmer for 2 minutes with occassional stirring. 
 4. Put the salt, sugar and pepper.
 5. Set aside the sauce.
 6. Heat the monay on the pan or oven toaster, put the sauce on top with grated cheese.
 7. Best paired with softdrinks and juice.Enjoy! 

    This is one of our favorite merienda. Best serve with cold drinks. You can also experiment by adding slices of ham,  pineapple or bell pepper. This dish is very easy to  cook. Even kids can help you with the preparation. They will surely love the monay pizza. 

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